
This is a chinese blog, Althogh I want to write my essays with my not native English. (Maybe try to write some articles with English.) As a freshman blogger, I have to write them with my most familiar language. So you can use translation tools to undersatnd them, Welcome and hope you can learn something from my blog and articles. Nice to meet you. 🌏

Perhaps they will understand Guy de Maupassant’s words: Life is not as good as you imagine, nor as bad as you imagine. I think people’s vulnerability and strength are beyond their own imagination. Sometimes, a single sentence can make me burst into tears, feeling fragile. At other times, I find myself gritting my teeth and walking a long road. –He Wei

About Me

  • 网络安全研究员(伪)
  • CTF签到选手
  • 没事找事做的折腾大师
  • 啥都不会的菜🐶
  • 不想写论文的辣鸡学生
  • 又菜又爱玩的主机游戏选手



cover图基本上都是art station上大佬的作品,给大佬🧎了 (新增了wallpaper haven的来源)